Submission Guidelines

Swash & Serif is a group typography and lettering show for people from all over the world. Anybody is welcome to submit work, whether you’re a professional typographer, a graphic designer, an illustrator, an artist, or anything else - we’re looking for thoughtful art, not years of experience.

Interested creatives have a few weeks to submit their work, and once submissions close we curate and select the best pieces to fill the gallery. Space is limited and we have high standards for the work we showcase, so not every piece makes it in, which means you need to bring your A game.


Swash & Serif 7, 2023

Submissions for S&S8 are closed. Check back next year!

When is the show open?

Swash & Serif 8 runs from September 19th to the 24th. The opening night reception will be Sept 19th, 7pm - 11pm

What is the submission deadline?

All artwork must be submitted via the form below no later than 11:59pm on Tues Sept 3rd (after labour day weekend). You can send in your work any time before that. We cannot accept late entries as curation and show prep begin immediately after the deadline.

Selected artists will be notified within 48 hours, and will be asked to drop off the work before the show opens on Sept 18 (more details will be shared with selected artists).

Who can submit work?

Anybody who wants to! We accept work from all kinds of creatives, from all over the world. This isn't just limited to Toronto residents.

People may submit work from anywhere, but each person is responsible for shipping or otherwise delivering the art to the gallery by the drop off date.

What qualifies as typography or lettering work?

Any artwork where the primary focus and purpose of the work is type or lettering. Work can be hand-drawn, digitally created, photographed, sculpted, or created by any other means. Your work can use either custom lettering or purchased fonts (with the appropriate rights/license).

Artwork that includes some text but the focus is on a different element (ie: a comic strip with a dialog box, a photo with signage in the background) wouldn’t be considered for this typography show since the type isn't the primary focus. Have a look at our previous shows to get an idea of the kind of work we’re looking for.

Are there any specs my work needs to meet?

No - your work can be any dimension, big, small, flat, or 3D. However if you create work that’s very big, heavy, delicate, or an odd shape, do consider how you will transport it to the gallery, how it will be displayed and what kind of hanging hardware is required, and any safety precautions during setup, takedown, and while the show is open. Swash & Serif is not responsible for work that is damaged during the show or during set up and takedown.

How many pieces can I submit?

Each person can submit up to three (3) pieces, however if there are several pieces that form a series, like a triptych or a deck of cards, that would count as one piece of the available three.

What mediums are accepted?

Any and all! From printed works, to sewn, sculpted, etched, or laser cut, anything goes. Working with different mediums will give your work an edge when we are selecting pieces for the show - the more unique or unusual, the better. Keep in mind what additional needs your work may have for display, such as an outlet, projector, etc. as that may require special planning and determine if we can accomodate your artwork.

Are there any costs?

If your work is selected for the show, there is a $30 hanging fee per artist (not per piece) to help cover expenses. This can be paid either in cash on drop off, or via etransfer. Submitting to the show is free, and attending is free.

What is the process for participating in the show?

Once submissions close, our team will take a couple days to curate and select the pieces to include in the show. Within 48 hours artists will be emailed if some or all of their pieces are accepted, and will be asked to pay the $30 hanging fee. Participants then need to print, frame, or otherwise prepare work for display. There will be a drop off window the day before the show on install day, and the show opens to the public the following night. S&S runs for a week, and on the final day of the show artists retrieve their work as the show is taken down.

What’s the best way to have my work chosen?

Be different! Work that pushes boundaries, tries new ideas, and works in unexpected ways are the kinds of exciting art that we want to share with the world. We’re less interested in trends or copying popular artists or designers. We aim for variety and inspiration when curating the show - we want visitors to be surprised and excited by what they see.

Analog work (not made on the computer) is especially appreciated - digital tools enable us to do some incredible things, but they are also tools of ease and convenience that don’t always breed innovation. The work in Swash & Serif is different, unique, and special, so if you create work with that in mind, there's a higher chance of it being chosen for the show.

I want to run a workshop, partner with you, or get involved another way.

Reach out and let us know what you're thinking! Swash & Serif is always evolving and we'd be happy to talk about your ideas. Contact us here.

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